
Easter climbing

Gecko's its nearly Easter, time to book you extra climbing sessions with us in the holidays.
We have climbing on every day 10-12pm  or 2-30- 4-30pm
If you are over 8 yrs you can come and do a bit of Archery with us too
12-30 -2.00pm
Remember to eat lots of these.!! But also to do lots of this!


Junior Climbing club

This weekend has been another busy one,
with our Juniors training hard for the last round of the Youth Climbing series.

Its been a big birthday weekend too,
don't forget we do Archery parties for
over 8's if you fancy trying your hand at something a bit different.



Awards and CAKE !

A big well done to John
 Achieving the Bronze Gecko award on Saturday

Here is Zoe who achieved her Level 1  N.I.C.A.S at the weekend

This is Jennifer's Birthday cake, made by her very clever
grandma, she was kind enough to send us in a recent photo.


Youth Climbing Series round 2

Yet again our junior climbers put in a fantastic show
in round 2 of the BMC Youth Climbing series.
All the training in our Rock academy sessions on a Wednesday evening are clearly paying off.

                               Want to know a bit more ? check out the BMC website
                               March 29th will be the final round in the competition.