
New Year 2014

 Gecko's, finished all your selection boxes yet?
No chocolate tree decorations to be seen,
 have a good look,
 there is always one hiding behind the tinsel.
How many of you woke up to this lovely scene on Christmas morning,
                                        Then your living room soon looked like this!

Happy New year to all our Geckos
We are back to normal this week Friday 5-7 pm 7-9pm Saturday 10-12pm
We have some holiday sessions on Thursday and Friday .

Then its.....back to school...!


Rope Race juniors 2013

We have had a fantastic 2013 with our juniors
Thank you to everyone who came along and took part in some great activities over the year,
from raft building and canoeing to archery and crate stacking.
2014 is going to be packed with lots more for you all to enjoy, in the meantime, enjoy
Christmas and all that has to offer, have a fab New year and we will see you all soon.
Thanks from all of us at Rope Race .


Gecko's Christmas party

What a fantastic turn out for our under 18's Christmas Party this year.
Lots of balloon popping, cracker pulling and cake eating, and that was just the staff!
Great to see everyone getting into the spirit of Christmas and having a brill time with all the fun games on offer.


Climbing Club

Lots of excellent climbing going on this week with our under 18's as usual, some brilliant foot and hand jamming skills by Jennifer and some super belaying too.
Don't forget this Friday is our Christmas party, its going to be fun packed with lots of games/ prizes and treats.
It's not too late to book your place, we don't want you to miss out !


Welcome to the new look Rope Race `Geckos` blog :) We would like to invite everyone to join our Xmas party on Friday 13th December 6-8pm There will be loads of fun games and a Christmas tea all for £8.00 All you need to do is just let us know your coming along.